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TMJ Specialist

Orange Coast Dental Specialty

Prosthodontist & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Huntington Beach, CA

Temporomandibular joint disorders, often called TMJ, are painful conditions that affect the joint between your jawbone and skull. This condition has several different causes, but effective treatment is available. The dentists at Orange Coast Dental Specialty offer a number of treatment options for patients who struggle with TMJ. To make an appointment with Orange Coast Dental Specialty, please call the office in Huntington Beach, California, or use the online scheduling tool.


What are the symptoms of TMJ?

If you have TMJ, you may notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Trouble chewing
  • Problems with your jaw getting stuck closed or open
  • Pain in the joint
  • Clicking or popping sounds when you talk or chew

These symptoms may be worse at certain times of day, or they may be constant.

What causes TMJ?

TMJ has several potential causes. For example, you may experience this condition because there’s a structural problem with your joint. You may also have TMJ symptoms if you injure your jaw or develop arthritis. In addition, many patients have TMJ because they grind or clench their teeth, either while asleep or during periods of stress.

How do dentists treat TMJ?

Some cases of TMJ happen because of a problem with your teeth or bite. If this is the cause of your TMJ symptoms, your dentist might be able to fix it by repairing the underlying problem. The following are some examples of what our dentists might recommend for you: 

Our dentist might ask you to wear a TMJ splint or mouth guard at night to stop you from clenching or grinding your teeth. This device works by holding your upper and lower teeth apart to reduce the effects of grinding and clenching and also to reduce muscle tension.

Botox® is another possible treatment. It works by temporarily limiting the movement of targeted muscles. Botox reduces the tension in and around your jaw, relieving your symptoms and giving your body time to heal.

Occlusal rehabilitation is a treatment that addresses problems with the way your upper and lower teeth meet when you bite down. The many ways to correct malocclusion (misalignment of your teeth) include orthodontic treatment, reshaping your teeth, splinting, installing crowns, and, as a last resort, oral surgery.

Our dentists will explain each treatment’s pros and cons, ensuring that you have all the details needed to make an informed decision about your care.

How are mouth guards or splints made?

Your dentist can order a customized mouth guard for you based on an impression of your teeth. The dentist sends this impression to a lab that creates the appliance. Because it’s customized for your mouth, you can wear it comfortably while you sleep.

What else can patients do to reduce symptoms of TMJ?

In addition to TMJ splint, Nightguard, Botox®, or Occlusal rehabilitation, lifestyle changes such as practicing relaxation techniques, and avoiding hard or chewy foods are also great ways to ease the pain.

If you have questions about TMJ diagnostic or treatment services, call Orange Coast Dental Specialty at 714-968-5500 today to schedule a consultation. You can also book an appointment online.

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